
November 20, 2014

Customizing Fields in ReQtest – Part 3 – Test runs

This is the third article in our five-part series about customising fields in ReQtest. You can read the preceding part here or start at the beginning.

Commonly modified fields in the form for test runs.


The name of the test run, eg “Ingrid’s test run for week 42.”


A text describing the test run.


It is common to assign a test run to a named tester. If you want that any person in the test group can be responsible for the test run, you can hide the owner field.


If each test run is linked to a specific sub system, it is convenient to have a field for this.


Steps that the tester should perform before the test run is carried out. For example, to distribute test data or create user accounts.


Steps the tester should perform when the test run is completed. For example, restore the system from a backup or delete some test data.


If you want to follow up test runs per sprint, release or system version, it is convenient to add a separate field for this.


Remember that it is possible to attach files to the test runs, for example, an Excel file containing test data.

 Name test runs (It makes them easier to find!)

A common approach is to assign test runs to specific testers. It is worth considering how you want to be able to find the test runs in the list of test runs, for example via the test run’s name, per subsystem, sprint or the tester’s name. If necessary, you can add additional fields to make it easier to find relevant test runs.

This concludes the third post of our five-article series about customising fields in ReQtest. Stay tuned for our next checklist, which will cover the most commonly modified fields when doing bug reports.

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