
December 6, 2013

Taking full advantage of the new features in ReQtest

In the past few months we launched lots of new features aimed at facilitating daily work in ReQtest. To help you take advantage of the features, I want to present some of the news and hopefully give you some ideas on how you can take the greatest and best advantage of them.

Grouped drop-down menus

Something that makes life easier for many users is the ability to create drop-down boxes with multiple levels. This may be useful in cases such as systems and sub systems. ReQtest shows all levels in the same dropdown field because our usability tests show that this was what users think is the easiest to use.


This is one example of how to build a list of systems and sub systems:

The web page -> Order -> Sweden

The web page -> Order -> Denmark

There is also a powerful search function linked to this feature. If you know that you are looking for Sweden in the list, you can type the first few letters in the input field that is linked to the dropdown. This results in a filtered list with only the rows that contain the word Sweden.


Another usage case is to group functional and non-functional requirements or test cases, for example:

Non-functional – > Performance

Non-functional -> Usability


You can also use this feature if you wish to create a list with teams and individuals belonging to the teams:

Development -> Benny

Development -> Fredrik

Test team -> Kristina


Just as in the example above, if you know that you are looking for Benny, you can type in Benny in the input field. If you want to see all members of the development team, you can type the first few letters, for example Dev and get a filtered list to only see members of the development team.

Learn more in our Help section:

Create a dropdown field with all users in the project

It is easy to add a dropdown field that contains all active users in the project. This is useful if you want to indicate who is responsible for some part of the process.

Examples of use: Who is the tester or test designer of a requirement, process owner or manager. The name of the person responsible for reporting the issue.

When you add a new field to a form, you probably want the field to be visible in the lists, for example the list of bug reports. This setting can be found under “Settings” on all list pages. Check ​​the columns you want to appear.

Create a custom date field

Something that many users have been asking for are fields for dates. A date field is handy in many situations, as for example; you may want to set a scheduled test execution date or a due date of a test run.

In the list of test runs you can filter test runs that have passed due date. You cannot change the field type of existing fields, so if you have already created a field for dates that is of the type ‘small text box’, you need to create a new field of type date.

More examples of uses for the date fields:

Requirements: Release date, schedule

Test case: Execution date

Test runs: Start date, end date, the date of delivery.

Bug reports: Development date, resolved date, estimated date when the bug is fixed.

Have the right fields in forms

Many customers use one of their existing projects as a template when creating new projects. This lets you copy the project settings over to the new project, so that everyone works in a consistent way. If you want, you can name the template project something like “Agile template project”, “Template for maintenance” or something similar so that it becomes easy to find the template.

If you create a new project without basing it on another project, you get a different set of fields in your ReQtest forms, namely the set of fields that we have decided. Recently these default fields were updated.

To see what fields we now deliver with ReQtest, you need to create a new project and not base it on another project. Maybe you will find some fields you want to include in your other projects or templates.

Some examples of fields that are good to have is our field for user stories. This field contains a template text for a user story, making it easier to write good user stories.

Our template also comes with new fields to prioritize bugs based on how many people the bug affects, and what impact the error may cause. Previously we used to grade bugs according to a priority scale with very high, high, medium or low priority, but we ourselves believe that it is cleverer to prioritize based on how many users are affected and what consequences the bug leads to.

A long time ago it was impossible to place fields below test steps in the test case form. If you use a field named “post conditions” or something similar, it might be good to know that you can now place this field anywhere, usually after the test steps.


If you have not changed any field in ReQtest in a long time, I think you will be surprised by how easy it is nowadays.

When you set up a new project you can also choose to include demo data so that your users can easier understand and try out the project. Feel free to create a dummy project where the new project members can try out ReQtest before testing starts. This won’t cost you anything either; additional projects are free, the only thing we charge for is users who can log on.

Add explanation text in forms

You can make it easier for users to fill in various fields by adding a help text to the fields you wish. Maybe you use a scale for prioritizing bug reports. To make it easier for testers to choose the right priority level, you can write a help text. The help text is displayed to users when they fill out the form.

Add your own shared fields

The “subsystem” field is a so-called ‘shared field’, meaning that if you change the content in the field, all forms where this field is used are automatically updated.

Now you can create your own shared dropdown fields. Here are some possible examples of applications: Release, responsible, team, service, project, product, component, requirements area, testing area, planned for version, maintenance area, country and use case.

Learn more in our help section on using shared fields:



What do you want us to develop in ReQtest? How can we facilitate your everyday life? Your opinion is important to us. I want to know, so tell me. You can reach me at or +46 8 120 403 12.

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