
June 23, 2014

At ReQtest we love customer feedback

Since we released the first version of the ReQtest Agile board we have received lots of positive feedback, as well as a number of improvement suggestions.

I am happy to say that most comments about improvements are things that we had already thought of and noted, and mostly these suggestions for our Agile board have been included in our future release plan.


That being said, I strongly encourage all of our users to continue providing us with feedback so we can further improve the board for you. Your feedback has always been and will forever be extremely helpful and valuable to us.

Some of the things we already have planned are:

  • Burn down chart
  • Release chart
  • Start and end date
  • Sprint goal
  • Linkage to existing ReQtest items
  • Chat functionality about a sticky with team members
  • Making it possible to only display the Agile board to board members
  • Activity stream that summarizes what has happened in the sprint
  • Managing of columns, renaming, adding and removing them

We have done lots of dog feeding and of course, we’ve used our Agile board ourselves from day one. When we compare it to our physical board that we used before, we already feel that we wouldn’t go back to a physical board.

Keep your comments coming. Feel free to contact me directly or drop a mail to support [@]


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