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Test smarter – 5 Reqtest hacks that will boost your testing
Do you want to take your testing to the next level?
Quality assuring an IT system is an important, yet time-consuming, task. But there are ways to work smarter so that you can both save time and increase the quality in your projects. In this 30-minute webinar, you will learn 5 hacks to streamline the testing phase and quality assurance in Reqtest.
Hundreds of satisfied customers
Who are Reqtest?
Reqtest is the leading tool in the Nordics for quality assuring IT-projects and maintenance. The tool is packed with the essential QA-features, but designed and developed for the entire organization. With Reqtest it is easier than ever to structure requirements, test you software and manage bugs in your project.
- All essential features to quality assure your software implementation
- Support from a dedicated Senior Customer Success Manager
- Complient with ISO/IEC 27001, world’s best known standard for information security